1st Green Clean

Here to help you live a little more Green!

Tips on Ironing Linen

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ironing, bachelor, laundry


By Emily Patterson
Linen is a fabric spun from the fibers of the flax plant. Linen is one of the oldest known textiles: fabric dated from 8,500 years ago was discovered in a cave in Israel. This fabric is one of the strongest textiles and becomes softer with use. Linen clothing should be hung rather than folded.

Folding repeatedly at the same point breaks down the fibers of the fabric and creates permanent creases. To prevent mildew, store linen only after it is completely dry.

Reduce Wrinkles

  • Wash linen clothing in cold to warm water with mild laundry soap. Dry linen clothing in a dryer on low heat, or hang or lay flat. If using a dryer, remove linen clothing while slightly damp.

Ironing Linen Clothing

  • Iron linen clothing while the clothing is still damp. Use a medium to high setting to press out wrinkles. Use a higher setting for heavier linen clothing. Steam or spray with water to keep the fabric damp while ironing. Iron the inside of lighter shades of the fabric then iron the outside to bring out the rich luster of the fabric. Iron only the wrong side of dark colored linen clothing. Hang immediately after ironing and allow to dry thoroughly. Use spray starch for crispness or use fabric sizing for a softer look to the linen. Protect delicate lace and cutwork with a press cloth. Use a press cloth over pockets, seams and hems to prevent press marks. Wrinkles in linen cannot be steamed out, they must be pressed out with an iron.

Do you have green or Eco-friendly tips and tricks?  We know you do, send them to us for an opportunity to be a Guest Blogger.  What better way to build your community by sharing your knowledge?

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1st Green Clean prides itself as a premier leader in residential home management services. 1st Green Clean is a luxury service provider we accept a limited number of appointments, we have an exclusive and limited clientele. When you invest in a home, you want a service provider that invests time in managing your home service needs, comprehensive consultation, and the security of reliable service.

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9 Tips for Professional Ironing Results

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ironing, pressing shirtBy Linda Nelson

9 Ironing Tips for Professional Results:

  1. Make sure your iron is hot enough for your fabric but not hotter. A too cool iron will not remove all the wrinkles, and one that is too hot can scorch or otherwise damage your fabric. Delicate fabrics may need to be ironed using a press cloth. A clean white flour-sack dishtowel will work.
  2. Use spray starch for extra crispness, but be aware that a heavily starched shirt may wrinkle more when worn and be uncomfortable as well. Use a light touch with spray starch for best results.
  3. Take your time. Hurrying can cause you to make mistakes.
  4. Keep a spray bottle of water handy. If you accidentally iron in a big wrinkle, lightly spray it with water, wait a minute or so and iron the area again.
  5. Keep the iron moving every few seconds when it’s on the fabric. You don’t want to scorch or burn a hole in your shirt.
  6. Don’t press a shirt that is not clean. Ironing a stain may set it in.
  7. Use the tip of the iron to work around buttons and the placket on the sleeves.
  8. When you’re finished ironing, empty the water from your iron while the iron is hot. This will reduce the moisture that remains in the water compartment. Allow the iron to cool before you put it away.
  9. Keep your ironing board pad clean and in good condition. Damage to the pad may transfer to your garments.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Do you have green or Eco-friendly tips and tricks?  We know you do, send them to us for an opportunity to be a Guest Blogger.  What better way to build your community by sharing your knowledge?

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1st Green Clean prides itself as a premier leader in residential home management services. 1st Green Clean is a luxury service provider we accept a limited number of appointments, we have an exclusive and limited clientele. When you invest in a home, you want a service provider that invests time in managing your home service needs, comprehensive consultation, and the security of reliable service.

P.S. Hurry! Our services are exclusive and strictly limited. Don’t miss out!

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