1st Green Clean

Here to help you live a little more Green!

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By Pharice Brown

Take a look at your book collection.  What do you see?  What was the last book you read?  Where is it?  Did you purchase a digital copy?  How many of them have you read from cover to cover?

No book is junk.  There are outdated copies, but they still have value and can be used for something.  Remember your favorite book?  Think someone else would enjoy?

Some books that are not current may be a little harder to find a home for.  If after attempting to donate them to a local organization you are not successful try contacting an organization like the Salvation Army and the Purple Heat.  They will let you know what items they accept and what the condition needs to be of each type.  They may also be able to refer you to other organization.  Some Salvation Army Stores collect household items, music, furniture, clothes, etc. for thrift shoppers.  The benefit you will get, in addition to the warm and fuzzy feelings or course, you may be able to use your donation as a tax right off at the end of the year.   Check with your local tax professional for more information.  

Don’t forget to ask friends and family if they would be interested in a good read.  This is a great way for books to travel to different readers.  A “community book”, it will never always have the same home it is always being shared. 

So post pictures on your social media page and let others know what you have to offer.

~ Here’s to books having new homes.

Do you have green or Eco-friendly tips and tricks?  We know you do, send them to us for an opportunity to be a Guest Blogger.  What better way to build your community by sharing your knowledge?

1st Green Clean – A Leader in Home Management Services
This holiday season give the gift of a healthier home.

1st Green Clean prides itself as a premier leader in residential home management services. 1st Green Clean is a luxury service provider we accept a limited number of appointments, we have an exclusive and limited clientele. When you invest in a home, you want a service provider that invests time in managing your home service needs, comprehensive consultation, and the security of reliable service.

P.S. Hurry! Our services are exclusive and strictly limited. Don’t miss out!

Call now! 866-905-9002 ext. 104

How may we service you?: http://www.1greenclean.com/our-services.html

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